The Chairman of Salama Fikira also fulfils another, albeit divergent role, also as Chairman. This is for Zero Hunger With Langar (ZHWL). ZHWL is an NGO whose singular intent is to support and feed those who are most in need in Kenya and more widely across Africa. Africa is the hungriest continent in the world with more children going without sufficient sustenance on earth, than anywhere else. Ensuring that no one is hungry is an ambition that we would like to accelerate across the continent of Africa. This continent is my home and it is where I was born. These people are my people.
Together with the ZHWL team, I was able to fulfil additional duties in creating the purpose, while assisting in the local messaging and intent of the feeding programme, to the Enkongu Narok school, in Kajiado County on Saturday 13th January 2023. The intent was to feed approximately 400 children from the school. However intense and persistent, El Niño rainfall prevented many of the children from reaching their school, which resulted in a reduced feeding programme of 140, on the day. Nonetheless, the event would never have taken place where it not for the huge efforts and support made by the Board and the team of Zero Hunger With Langar and the kind and generous support of the Amrit Foundation and family.
It follows that what is good for the children’s stomachs, is good for our souls.
Conrad Thorpe OBE
Chairman of Salama Fikira & Chairman of Zero Hunger With Langar