A Swahili proverb which speaks to integrity is ‘Chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza’ which translates to  ‘Good things market themselves; bad things advertise themselves.’ In English we might say “Truth/good will out’.  The proverb tells us that attitudes and actions with integrity will be visible and will gain recognition and favour over time. On the other hand, negative qualities are instantly visible.  Dishonesty and fraud advertise themselves even as they are being played out.

A good thing marketing itself right now is The Blue Company, an East African initiative designed to be a private sector platform by which fraud might be combatted, integrity in business upheld and corruption fought. These are issues which businesses need to address head on.  In 2016, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission said Kenya lost about US$6 billion to corruption every year and corruption only seems to be getting worse. The 2022 National Ethics and Corruption Survey reveals a trend of increased bribery for accessing public services – people who reported paying bribes rose from 55.9% in 2021 to 64% in 2022. This includes getting business licences, police protection or even access to water and healthcare.

Salama Fikira has built its business on a reputation of integrity in all its business dealings and it is pleased to announce its application for membership of The Blue Company has been approved. Salama Fikira CEO noted “it is pleasing to find a group of like minded business people who subscribe to the same principles of ethical behaviour as our own. We are looking forward to working together with The Blue Company and its membership to reinforce a culture of honesty in our business community rather than a culture of greed and dishonesty.”

Founder and Chairman Conrad Thorpe OBE agreed. “My aim from the outset was to create a business which stood for integrity and honesty. For nearly twenty years we have conducted business in some of the most difficult environments on the planet and have managed to do so without compromising our core values, but rather standing up to those who would ask us to compromise our principles. Salama Fikira has always stood for integrity and I am pleased that we can continue to convey that message in concert with The Blue Company.”

Awesome Work

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