Meet our New General Manager – Africa

Salama Fikira is very pleased to announce the appointment of Harry Atkinson-Clark into the newly created position of General Manager – Africa. The position is part of an ongoing drive to ‘double down’ on Africa and is designed to give more focus to the operational aspects of the business. In turn we anticipate the company will be able to provide an extended range of services and an even better depth of customer support. Harry has stepped into the role and is effective in this appointment immediately. While he focuses on operational matters Dylan Evans will address broader strategic and long term matters we are handling across the continent.

Harry has been resident in Mombasa with his wife for the last twelve months from where he has been developing and growing The Africa Knowledge Academy, developing well received and effective training courses. It’s been a valuable opportunity to get familiar with the company and its operating environment. Mombasa has also been a very handy place to hone his sailboarding skills. However he will shortly be shifting to Nairobi where he will be better placed to support our clients and partners.

Harry comes from a background of UK military, and apart from the usual tours perhaps a standout appointment was to the King’s Royal Guard, Balmoral responsible for providing security and logistic and other support to the Royal Household while in summer residence. Good training for the Salama Fikira household which requires a great capacity for contingency planning for our clients. Harry brings a very human and commercial set of skills to the role and the company looks forward to being part of the growth that we know he will lead. And, as you can see from the photo, Africa is leaching into his DNA already.