
All SF Group operations are underpinned by an unwavering commitment to international standards, practices and compliance. We operate under the most robust doctrine, policies and procedures to ensure all our services are delivered in line with international standards.

Corporate governance permeates every level of the SF Group. The Board of Directors has developed corporate strategies to build sustainable long-term value, assess and manage risk, and set the “tone at the top” for ethical conduct.

We have established a structure for overseeing risk, delegating responsibility to teams and overseeing the designation of senior leaders responsible for risk management. The Compliance Team, under the guidance of the Board, oversees the company’s compliance programme and escalates any significant issues that may arise.

Ethics and Ethos

Ethical business practice steers everything we do. Understanding that commerce, community, cultures and the environment are connected, SF Group is committed to contributing to long-term positive development in the regions in which we operate. Our operational delivery is ethically and morally motivated to ensure comprehensive risk management and local community empowerment. The end product is successful, sustainable operations for our clients.

Supply Chain Management

SF Group ensures strict supply-chain compliance, standards and integrity, through the formalised management of contractors and third-party vendors. Our established network of vetted individuals and organisations allow us to consistently deliver successful results against complex tasks in challenging environments.

Through our strict and auditable process for the subcontracting and outsourcing of activities, functions and operations, we establish, document, communicate and monitor compliance according to terms of reference, codes of conduct and respect for human rights.

We ensure our subcontractors commit to and abide by the same legal, ethical and human rights responsibilities and obligations held by the parent company and outlined in the ISO 18788 International Standard. This process has increased efficiency, operational capabilities and compliance throughout our supply chain.

Compliances and Certifications

Memberships and Associations
  • British Safety Council (BSC)
  • International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM)
  • UN Global Compact Agreement
  • Voluntary Principles of Security and Human Rights
  • TRACE International Anti-Bribery and Corruption
  • Cyber Essentials – National Cyber Security Centre
Standards and Certifications
  • ISO QMS 9001:2015
  • ISO 28000:2007 WITH ISO 28007:2015
  • BS OHSAS ISO45001:2018
  • ISO 18788:2015
  • ANSI/ASIS PSC-1:2012
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