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À propos de nous

SF Group est un prestataire spécialisé dans la gestion des risques, la sécurité et la logistique. Nous opérons dans les pays développés et les économies émergentes, offrant des services attentifs et innovants adaptés pour protéger nos clients, leurs actifs, leurs opérations et leur réputation.

Nos normes internationales de livraison nous permettent d'offrir les plus hauts niveaux d'attention et de soins. Nous soutenons depuis longtemps les entreprises, les gouvernements et les entreprises privées opérant dans des environnements complexes.

Nos consultants ont travaillé en tant que conseillers et instructeurs spécialisés, chefs de la sécurité pour les missions diplomatiques, dirigeants de la royauté et de l'État, et en tant que chefs de projet pour les entreprises, les multinationales et les petites entreprises privées du monde entier.


  • GESTION DES RISQUES – Des informations locales, constamment mises à jour et gérées par des dirigeants sensibles à la culture locale et aux environnements opérationnels, sont au cœur de nos services de gestion des risques.
  • SÉCURITÉ – Le monde fait face à des menaces persistantes à la sécurité et à la stabilité. Notre compréhension du risque dans des environnements complexes est fondée sur une vaste expérience de travail et d’exploitation réussie dans des environnements à haut risque.
  • MARITIME – SF Group fournit des opérations de sécurité maritime et de lutte contre la piraterie éprouvées et établies de longue date aux industries du transport maritime et de l’énergie opérant dans l’océan Indien, le golfe de Guinée et l’Asie du Sud-Est.
  • CONSULTANCE – Nous proposons des services de conseil et des programmes de formation conçus pour soutenir et doter les organisations des compétences nécessaires pour fonctionner en toute sécurité et de manière durable.
  • SF BREATHE – Intelligence sur mesure, analyse ciblée. Nous fournissons des notifications informées en temps réel des incidents de sécurité pour aider nos clients à éviter tout danger.

Gouvernance d'entreprise

La gouvernance d'entreprise imprègne tous les niveaux du groupe SF. Le conseil d'administration a élaboré des stratégies d'entreprise pour créer une valeur durable à long terme, évaluer et gérer les risques et donner le « ton au sommet » en matière de conduite éthique.

L'entreprise a mis en place une structure de supervision des risques, de délégation de responsabilité aux équipes et de supervision de la désignation des cadres supérieurs responsables de la gestion des risques. L'équipe de conformité, sous la direction du conseil d'administration, supervise le programme de conformité de l'entreprise et signale tout problème important susceptible de survenir.


Conrad founded SF Group in 2005 immediately after retiring as a senior officer in Her Majesty’s Forces. As the Group’s CEO Conrad has grown SF to support multi-sector businesses and premium clients across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

A former Commonwealth Games athlete, he joined the Royal Marines before entering UK Special Forces (SBS) and moving onto high-value operations around the world. He and his Squadron Group, alongside allied counterparts, are credited with strategic deliverables in the global war on terrorism. His performance was recognized with the award of the military OBE.

With a master’s degree in War Studies and Defense Technology and complementary skills at Board-level governance and compliance, his primary intent is to identify risk and opportunities whilst helping to deliver Group success. He is a citizen of Kenya and Great Britain and has three children. He lives close to where he grew up, in the Kenya highlands.

Crispin served in the British Territorial Army for six years before venturing into corporate strategy. He has gained exposure to local and international business practices through his time as a Commercial Manager for companies in Kenya and the UK.

Crispin joined SF Group in 2010 as part of the Maritime Division, overseeing operations and developing the company’s armed capability in line with associated compliance and legal elements. In 2012, Crispin was appointed as a regional director and currently sits on the SF Board. He has spearheaded the group’s commitment to industry best practices and compliance, overseeing regular external and internal auditing processes. He is also responsible for leading internal management and commercial development across the group.

Crispin has a BSc in Land Management from the University of Reading, UK, and is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS).

Sonia has worked for several years with government entities in special operations,  as an instructor in different areas of intelligence analysis and investigation. She has specialised in the fields of psychology, polygraphy and risk management in law enforcement and has brought these skills to the private sector. She has consulted on investigations and provided operational support to private companies in Colombia and across Latin and Central America. Sonia is an experienced manager and administrator of Colombian companies. 


Dylan served in the Royal Marines for nine years, completing four operational tours of Afghanistan and one of Somalia. He initially served in active combat roles before overseeing the mentoring and training of Afghan Special Forces in counterterrorism and counter-narcotics tactics in support of the UK Special Forces.

Dylan has been with SF Group since 2010 and is responsible for the delivery of commercial, compliance and operational activity and services across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Somalia. His hands-on approach to operational management has seen him travel extensively and oversee tasks in many challenging environments.

Passionate about the security and stability of the developing world, Dylan believes wholeheartedly that intelligence-led, community-focused action is the most effective strategy for success at all levels. Having worked in leadership positions throughout his career, Dylan is able to communicate with people from a diverse range of backgrounds. 

Martin served for over ten years with a Close Protection Unit in the Royal Military Police as part of strategic operations and as an instructor. He served in Northern Ireland during the conflict, providing close protection to the Commander of the Ulster Defense Regiment, and was later attached to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as bodyguard to British ambassadors around the world.

Upon leaving the British Army Martin worked as a Close Protection Operative for the Sultan of Oman and a prominent UK businessman. He was also engaged as part of the security team for the Saudi royal family.

After three years in Iraq Martin arrived in Hong Kong and undertook several short-term security contracts. He established Asia Security and Protection Group (ASAP), offering tailored security services across South East Asia. The group rapidly expanded, offering close protection, journey management and corporate security solutions. In February 2020, ASAP Group merged with SF Group, further enhancing the organisation’s footprint.

Bruce Lyman has over thirty years of commercial experience in government, private and not-for-profit sectors. His foundational experience with Defence and the Department of Foreign Affairs was expanded through his founding and listing of Argus Solutions on the ASX, followed by his operations manager role at SIMAid and running business operations for CTG in Afghanistan. Since 2015, he has provided business advisory for multiple businesses and government departments. 

Bruce has a diverse range of business and leadership experience, including ISO implementation, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), process and strategy design, and risk assessment management. He has served on a variety of company boards and community leadership teams and has lengthy experience forging partnerships, particularly with companies potentially presented as competitors.

Bruce has run business operations in Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. He has also carried out business in the UK, Zimbabwe, the US, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Yemen, Kenya, France and China.

Bruce joined Salama Fikira in 2017 to assist the company grow its Australian business. He became a Director of SF Group in 2021 where he is able to contribute his business, board and governance experience.

Patrick qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG in 1990, where he spent six and a half years in audit and general practice.  Through the course of his career he has held senior Finance, Risk Management, Control and Consultancy roles for organisations such as Banco Santander and Deutsche Bank.

Patrick joined SF Group as CFO in April 2021, applying his wealth of experience in financial institutions to cultivate a high-class Finance function that is aligned with SF Group’s international reach and future aspirations.

Jim Dutton served a full career in the Royal Marines, commanding at every level, interspersed with MOD and staff appointments, national and NATO. After the terrorist attacks on the USA in 2001 he was seconded to the Pentagon, holding senior operational command appointments in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

Following military retirement in 2010 he spent 10 years in senior management roles in Bechtel, mainly in Africa, with a 2 year period out of Bechtel, as Governor and Commander-in-Chief Gibraltar between 2013 and 2015.

In 2021, Jim joined SF Group to establish the Ethics and Compliance Committee. With the group’s expansion and frequent operations in highly corrupt areas around the globe, maintaining diligence and high standards is as integral to the company as ever. Owing to his ethical decision-making experience and strong governance sensibilities in areas of high-level influence, Jim applies thorough and standardised due diligence and review processes to potential contracts in advance of any commitment.

SF Group delivers tailored risk management solutions to your operational challenges.

SF Group propose des solutions de gestion des risques sur mesure pour vos défis opérationnels. Nous répondons aux besoins de nos clients dans leurs situations uniques. En tant qu'organisation de grande envergure, nos solutions visent à minimiser les risques pour nos clients, où et quand cela est nécessaire.